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Boathouse Rehabilitation Campaign

Join us in rehabilitating Washington Canoe Club’s historic boathouse and cement your legacy as a champion for paddle sports on the Potomac

For over 100 years, Washington Canoe Club’s iconic boathouse has been a hub for sports and a community gathering place. Yet over time, the historic boathouse has succumbed to age and needs substantial investment to ensure that it will last for the next 100 years, and beyond.

Today, WCC finds itself at a crossroads: It is imperative that WCC rehabilitate the boathouse, both to stop the building from further deterioration and to satisfy our lease obligations with the National Park Service.

Rehabilitating the historic boathouse has been years in the making. After several fits and starts, WCC has a new path forward. Our multi-phased financially feasible approach addresses both the boathouse’s most urgent renovation needs and reinvigorates the Club for future growth.

Fundraising progress to date: $508,561 raised of the new $1M goal

Phase 1: Renovation and Stabilization

Estimated Start Date: 2025
Funding Goal: $2.5M

The Club’s new strategy focuses on repairing and rehabilitating the boathouse’s structural integrity, stabilizing its exterior, and improving its physical appearance. This critical work will preserve the historic character of the boathouse, protect the structure from further deterioration, and rehabilitate WCC’s iconic architectural presence on the Potomac River. These improvements will allow the Club to reoccupy the entire ground floor of the boathouse, open the West Bay for indoor boat storage, and expand our community-building activities.

Existing First Floor Plan - Proposed Work

Existing First Floor Plan - Proposed Work


  • Stabilizing the entire boathouse structure, ground floor and second floor.
  • Replacing the roof and west wall.
  • Repairing/replacing shingles, wood trim, soffits, windows, and doors.
  • Repainting the entire structure.
  • Redirecting the water currently impacting the boathouse.
  • Remodeling the West Bay so it can be used for indoor boat storage.
  • Relocating the weight room from the East Bay to increase indoor storage.
  • Adding temporary men’s and women’s locker rooms, restrooms, and showers.
  • Transforming the former grill room into a weight room, open to members year-round.

Based on the success of our early fundraising efforts and necessary permitting, we anticipate beginning Phase 1 renovations in 2025. Following the successful completion of Phase 1 and with additional funding, subsequent phases and renovation projects will begin. Our ultimate goal is a fully rehabilitated boathouse prepared for decades of further use and enjoyment.

How You Can Help

WCC is eager to build on our long history as a paddling and community hub and rehabilitate the boathouse to its original beauty and purpose.

Since 2015, generous WCC members and other supporters have contributed over $500,000 in restricted donations to our Building Fund. These funds have been held in our organizational reserves and will be dedicated to the implementation of Phase 1. We are moving through the early stages of our fundraising campaign, soliciting requests and garnering support from those enthusiastic about our mission and plans for the future. To express WCC’s belief in the potential of this project, 100% of our Board of Directors and Fundraising Committee have made generous campaign commitments. Now, we need your help!

An investment of $1M or more is needed from a group of passionate individuals who can support our campaign. In addition, we intend to utilize a combination of WCC reserve investment and bank financing toward the goal.

  • Make a secure online donation via PayPal or debit/credit card
  • Make a multi-year pledge by downloading and filling out the WCC Gift Commitment Form below
  • Mail a check to Washington Canoe Club, PO Box 25449, Washington D.C. 20027
  • Contact the Fundraising Committee for information about a donation via direct deposit, stock, securities, IRA, etc.:

Support Our Campaign

We are calling on you, our WCC community, to help us raise the funds necessary to achieve Phase 1 of our plan.

Make a One-Time Leadership Gift or Pledge
Our immediate need is to garner early support for our campaign to ensure a successful start to our renovation efforts. Your generosity will galvanize other individuals, support continuing and expanded Club membership, assist in securing financing for subsequent phases, and propel our rehabilitation efforts forward. You may choose to make a one-time gift or a multiyear pledge.

Join the Champion’s Circle
The Champion’s Circle is a group of remarkable donors who have made cumulative gifts of $10,000 or more to our renovation campaign as part of this recent fundraising effort or in years past. Their strength and commitment serve as a beacon for others to step forward and help keep the WCC strong for future generations. In honor of their lasting impact, Champion’s Circle donors will be recognized on a special plaque in the WCC’s remodeled boathouse. Donors may also choose to remain anonymous.

Learn More

Additional campaign resources and documents are found below. If you have questions about our campaign or how to donate, please contact

Renovation Email Updates:
November 2024
October 2024
August 2024

Thank you to our generous supporters in 2024 & 2025 who have made gifts toward our new $1M goal*:

Champion’s Circle donors ($10,000+) will be recognized on a special plaque in the WCC’s remodeled boathouse.

Champion’s Circle $10,000+

Bob and Amy Allen
Chris Brown
Joe Cafferata and Allison Davis

Tom Cooney
Cynthia and Brad Carpenter
David Cottingham
David Crawford
Sally Davidson

Robin Gradison and Richard Whitmire
Hugh Hillard
Grace Hong and David Olsen
Kimberly and Tom Lane
Coralie Miller

Melissa Diane Obegi
Steve Pearlman and Laura Nelson
Leslie Roberts
Linda and Jim Ross
Joel Rynes
Denise Schlener and George Bren

Larry and Jen Schuette
Andrew and Samantha Soles
Stephen Weiss

Campaign Donors $5,000 - $9,999

Anonymous (2)
George Bernstein
Louise Flynn
Doug Gelfand
Charisse and Gene Hiigel
Michael and Carmela Leith
Holly Stewart
Susan Welchman
Maureen and Mark Williams

Cheryl Zook

Campaign Donors $1 - $4,999

Tina Aghili
Todd Bewley
Andrew Blenkle
Hilary Boardman
Dr. Arlene Bowes
Caroline Brosius
Hillary Brown and Charles Read
Andrea Browning
Derek Campbell
Ellen Carberry
Daniel Cidon
Joshua Corn
William Cone
Margaret Coulombe
Audrey Dannenberg
Nathaniel Day
Todd DeLelle
John Deriggi
Matthew and Paige DeZee
Margaret Dubeck
Tammy Duchesne
Geoff Dugeon & Kristi Martinsen
Karl Egbert
Lisa Enloe and Sandra Tullius
Amy Erwin
Alberto Fernandez
Scott Fisher
Paul Flack
Joanne Flanders
John and Kim Franklin
Matthew Gardner
Marcy Garland
Todd Georgelas
Neal Glickfield
Erin Golding
Sharon Goodall
Karl Grass
Nathaniel Gueltzau
Michael Hagar
Bonnie and Dan Havens
Christine Hayes
Paul Hirsch
James Holt
Herb Howe
Nicholas Hudak
Kevin Humphreys
Laura Jones
Cindy Kacher
Susan Kelly
Ryan Key
Carrie and Patrick Klein
Erica Klinger
Stephanie Knabe
Sherman Knight
Michelle Lapinski
Rosemary Leblond
Jason Lee
Patricia Linderman
Margaret Lopez-Balboa
Martin Lowenfish
Christopher Luchtedfeld
Jeff Ludwig
Lisa Man
Timothy Manning
Alex Marki
Karl Mattison
Lynn Mattucci
Jimmie McClellan
Michael McErlean
Michele McMahon
Catherine Melquist
Marc & Cassie Meyer
Tobin Moore
John Mott
Elisa Lees Munoz
The Nelson Family
Lawrence Novey
Carole O'Gara
Claudia Oglialoro
Haruhisa Ohtsuka
Andre Olivier
Owen Anthony Palmiotti
Rob Patterson
Anthony Peck
Elizabeth Pennisi
CW Per-Lee
Helen Quick
Edward Rackley
Lisa Ramm
Alexander Rasmussen
Elizabeth Ravesteijn
Thomas Reiter
Thomas Rondeau
Emily Russell
Carlo Sdralevich
Alexia Saliba
Susan Shillinglaw
Stuart Smith
Chris Stacey and Sam Stebbins
Kiersten Stadler
Mary Stapp
Drew Story
Kelly Strategies
Beverly Sullivan
Dennis Van Valkenburg
Mark Venturi
Gloria Vestal
Mary Walsh
Edwin Walter
Jan Wehebrink
Elizabeth Wissner
Lisa Wood

*This donor listing reflects gifts and pledges received by WCC. We apologize for any unintentional omissions and spelling errors. Please email us at to correct that.